Vintage Turkish and Persian rugs are both highly sought after for their unique designs and quality materials. While some may appear similar at first glance, there are distinct differences between the two that set them apart.

Knotting Techniques

Vintage Turkish and Persian rugs differ in their knotting techniques. Turkish rugs use the Ghiordes knot, also known as the Turkish knot, which is tied around a single warp thread. On the other hand, Persian rugs use the Senneh knot, also known as the Persian knot, which is tied around two adjacent warp threads. This results in a slightly different weave and flexibility in the rugs. The symmetrical Turkish knot is known for its consistency and is typically used in thicker carpets, while the Persian knot allows for greater flexibility and creates a slightly looser weave. Persian rugs have higher knot counts than Turkish rugs due to the smaller size of their single-loop knots, which allows for more knots per square inch.

Design and Materials

Vintage Turkish rugs and vintage Persian rugs have distinct differences in their design. Persian rugs typically have a wool foundation, which is more durable and elastic than the cotton foundation used in Turkish rugs. The wool used in Persian and Turkish rugs can also differ in quality, which can impact the overall design. Persian rugs tend to have more intricate and complex designs with a wide range of colors, whereas Turkish rugs have bolder geometric designs with fewer colors. However, both styles can also incorporate other design elements, such as medallions or borders.

Origin and Age

Another difference is their origins. Turkish rugs are traditionally made in Turkey, while Persian rugs come from Iran. This difference in location can also result in slight variations in materials and weaving techniques used.

Persian rugs date back to ancient Persia (modern-day Iran and Iraq) and represent the older of the two traditions, with the earliest example known today as the “Pazyryk Carpet,” dating to the 5th century BCE. On the other hand, the history of Turkish rugs starts a bit later - in the 13th century. Therefore, Persian rugs have been around for a longer period as compared to Turkish rugs.

Price Points

Price is another factor that sets these two types of vintage rugs apart. Persian rugs are generally more expensive than Turkish rugs, due to a combination of factors such as the higher cost of materials and the intricate and time-consuming weaving techniques used to create them. Additionally, the demand for Persian rugs is often higher in the market, which can drive up prices.

Value as Investments

Both Persian and Turkish rugs are highly valued for their quality, craftsmanship, and cultural significance. However, Persian rugs generally hold their value better than Turkish rugs due to a few factors, including the materials used, the intricacy of the design, and knot count. The knot count is an important factor that determines the quality and value of a Persian rug, as the higher the knot count, the more intricate details a rug can have. As this requires more time and skill to achieve, it also contributes to the higher value of Persian rugs.


Overall, while there are differences between vintage Turkish and Persian rugs in terms of their designs, origins, and price points, both are highly prized for their beauty and quality. Whether you prefer the bold, geometric patterns of Turkish rugs or the intricate floral designs of Persian rugs, both are sure to add a touch of elegance and style to any home.